Heart Month
Date: February 2018
Tools: Cinema 4D, Photoshop CC
Format: Instagram
Audience: General Public
Heart month is a yearly campaign that aims to raise awareness about cardiac health, research, and disease. Heart disease affects approximately 2.4 million Canadian adults, and is the second-leading cause of death in Canada.
As with many public health projects, a balance must be struck between highlighting the importance of health education on preventable disease and overwhelming the public with alarming statistics. The challenge for my Heart Month contribution was making visuals interesting and non-threatening while still addressing the core issues behind the campaign.
Visual metaphor was used in combination with the anatomical shape of a heart. These metaphors were meant to allude to various anatomical structures within the heart, from the “heart strings” or the chordae tendineae, to the electric circuits of the sinoatrial and atrioventricular nodes.